Parish religious education program for those students not enrolled in Catholic schools. Grades served are Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
Mrs. LeeAnn Borrel , 445-3693, ext. 211

Junior High Youth Program
Sixth through eighth graders meet every Wednesday evening from 6:15 – 7:30 during the school year at our parish youth facility. Included in our program are service projects for which our youth go out into the community to do works that make a difference.
Mrs. Felicia Schneider, 445-9748, ext. 228
High School Youth Program
A dynamic Eucharist centered program for high school teens designed for encountering Christ. They meet each Sunday evening year-round beginning with the 5:30 youth Mass in the Church followed by meeting and social in the youth house.
Mr. Kevin Malone, 445-9748, ext. 229

Vacation Bible School
A joyful and fun week for children in Pre-Kindergarten through Sixth in the month of June. The effort is supported by many volunteers in the parish community. A nursery is available for babies and small children of adult helpers. Teens from our youth programs also volunteer their gift of time and talent.
Church Office, 445-3693
Youth Registration Forms
Below are links to all active registration forms at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church. As new Youth registration forms become active, they will display here.
Camp Covecrest Registration
This form is for Life Teen Summer Camp at Camp Covecrest in Tiger, GA. Our camp week is July 14-19, 2025. Current students in 8th through 12 grade can attend. The
CCD Registration
Questions? Call the Church Office, at (318) 445-3693 for more information. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Student Information Name *FirstLastPreferred Name *Gender * Male Female
Junior High Registration
Questions? Call Felicia Schneider, Coordinator of Jr. High Youth Ministry at (318) 487-8593 ext. 228 or email for more information.
Senior High Registration
Questions? Call Kevin Malone, Coordinator of Sr. High Youth Ministry at (318) 487-8593 ext 229 or email for more information.
Steubenville Registration
Questions? Call Kevin Malone, Coordinator of Sr. High Youth Ministry at (318) 487-8593 ext. 229 or email for more information. Steubenville will take place June 20-22, 2025. Please enable