Anointing of the Sick
This sacrament is communally available at our Senior Citizen Masses as indicated. It is offered to those who are seriously ill or impaired by advanced age and at least seven years old. It is also available at any time by contacting either of the priests of the parish. Anyone anticipating surgery is encouraged to celebrate this sacrament before the surgery.
Fr. Rusty Rabalais, 445-3693 ext. 205
Fr. Thomas Kennedy, 445-3693, ext. 214

All infants and children through the age of six are invited to celebrate this sacrament of initiation by prior arrangement with our priest. Please contact the Church office to complete the appropriate registration form and to schedule a date and time for the sacrament.
Church Office, 445-3693
First Holy Communion is celebrated in the Spring, after Easter, for those children in the second grade who have completed the necessary religious education and have made first reconciliation. Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic School and parish’s CCD program celebrate this sacrament together.
Church Office, 445-3693

In the Diocese of Alexandria, the sacrament of confirmation is ordinarily celebrated in the 11th grade. A preparation program prior to reception of the sacrament is required by the Diocese of Alexandria.
Mrs. Shelley Michiels, 445-3693, ext. 211
The sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturdays 3:00 – 3:50 P.M. and 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. It is also available by simply contacting one of our parish priests. During Advent and Lent, communal penance services are celebrated followed by individual reception of the sacrament.
Church Office, 445-3693

Couples wishing to marry must contact the Church office at least six (6) months in advance to begin the process of marriage preparation and to pick up an information packet.
Church Office, 445-3693