Family Life & Hospitality

Family Life & Hospitality

Welcome Committee

Have you noticed welcome bags for visitors in the vestibule of church? We are striving to be a welcoming community to all of our guests. We are also contacting everyone personally who registers at OLPS and presenting them with a welcome gift from the parish, along with an updated booklet with all parish ministries, organizations, programs and services with contact numbers.


Mrs. Jordan LaCour, 445-9748, ext. 216

Domestic Church

Provides long term support and formation for Sacramentally married couples who want to grow in holiness together as a couple.  What began in Poland over forty years ago with the guidance and support of St. John Paul II is now available for English speaking couples here in the U.S.  Although we know that true holiness is supposedly possible within the midst of the daily demands of marriage and parenthood, it can be very difficult to know how to access it and take advantage of the fact that marriage is a Sacrament.  Domestic Church gives couples and families real, concrete help for tapping into what God has in store for us in the blessed vocation of marriage.   Interested couples should attend a Domestic Church retreat,and may consider joining a follow up program (or Circle) comprised of 5-6 couples and a priest, who meet monthly for fellowship, formation and prayer time. There are currently 4 circles in the Alexandria area.   For more information, check  out the website Domestic Church of North America.


Mrs. Jenay Franco, (337)259-4155 or

Parish Suppers

Wednesday evenings during the school year from 5:00 – 6:30 in the Divine Providence Center.   Meals are prepared and served by the Knights of Columbus, Council 8029 members and their wives, to parish families and individuals. Cost is $7.00 per plate.  Check the Prompt Succor Weekly Flocknote or the Church bulletin for the upcoming week’s menu.

J.O.Y. Ministry (Just Older Youth)

Senior Ministry at Our Lady of Prompt Succor involves all parishioners 62 and over.  A social or outing for Seniors is offered every third Wednesday of the month from September to June in the Madonna Room.  Twice a year, in November and April, the Anointing of the Sick is administered during the Senior Mass.  A Christmas “Covered Dish” luncheon and social is held in December.   A “Day of Recollection” is offered during Lent.  The J.O.Y. Newsletter is mailed monthly to our senior parishioners.  Special recognition is given to those seniors celebrating a birthday of 75 years and over.


Mrs. Renee Aldridge, (318) 542-1966

Nursing Home Easter Basket Distribution

The OLPS Community Services Commission hosts an annual Lenten collection of personal items for Mathews Memorial Nursing Home residents. Items such as unscented soaps, unscented lotions, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, chap stick and socks should be individually packaged. Baskets are at the front of the church for donations. Any excess items collected will be given to the Hope House or to residents at other area nursing homes.     


Mrs. Jordan LaCour, (318) 445-9748, ext. 216 

Catholic Daughters Court Notre Dame

Catholic Daughters is an organization of strong Catholic women worldwide.   Catholic women age 18 and older who would like to give of themselves and share their faith, talent and concern for others on a local, state and national level are invited to join.  Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at

11:30 AM in the Madonna Room of the Madonna Complex.


Mrs. Marlene Sawrie, Grand Regent, 308-6243 or

Knights of Columbus, Council 8029

A fraternal organization supporting church, community, family and youth.  This council meets the third Thursday evening of the month at 6:00 in Madonna Room of the Madonna Complex


Mr. Daniel Henry, Grand Knight         613-7278 or